Auto Move Strategy Scenario 4

To set up Scenario 3, follow each step and specify this information on the Auto Move page.

Step 1

Field Value
Auto Move Criteria Temperature
Operator >
Value 1 25
Value 2 blank
Length of Time 10
Element Days
Task Type Putaway
Putaway Strategy FRZ

Step 2

Field Value
Auto Move Criteria To Expire Days
Operator <=
Value 1 10
Value 2 blank
Length of Time 1
Element Days
Task Type Move
Putaway Strategy RUSH

Auto Move Strategy Scenario 4 - Explanation

  1. System checks if temperature is greater than 25 degrees (Fahrenheit) upon receiving the Item and LPN.
  2. The receipt temperature of the item IS NOT > 25.
  3. In this scenario, there are more steps to be evaluated.

    The system checks the inventory where the quantity is greater than zero against the Lottable05 to see if the To Expire Days is less than or equal to 10 days from the current date.

  4. The current date is not within 10 days of Expiration Date.

    Since none of the criteria passed, and there are no more steps to be evaluated, the system creates a putaway task with Pending status and uses the Putaway Strategy on this item.