Updating an existing saved or global view

To update an existing saved or global view:

  1. Navigate to the saved view you want to update by selecting the applicable saved view from the Saved Views menu.
  2. With the saved view you want to update displayed, make the filter criteria changes.
  3. Select Saved Views > Create/Update view.
  4. Select Update an existing View.
  5. If applicable, change the view name and description in the Name and Description fields respectively.
  6. Select a view from the Saved Views menu. Possible values:
    • Save: When updating a saved view.
    • Save As Global: When updating a global view.
    • The filter criteria changes to the saved view is saved.
    • If you made changes to the saved view name, the updated name is reflected in the list of saved views. Converting a Saved View to a Global View.
    • You can convert a Saved View to a Global View. However, you cannot convert a Global View to a Saved View.