Performing a case contents by item inquiry

The Case Contents by Item option reviews the contents of a carton ID by displaying the total quantity of each item contained in the pallet, carton, or tote. You can use this option to investigate the details of an item associated with a Case ID.

This option is similar to the Case Contents by Pick option, but it includes additional fields: item description, quantities shipped, quantities picked, and quantities remaining. This option does not include Drop ID, Drop Location, and Customer fields.

To perform a Case Contents by Item inquiry:

  1. From the RF device Main menu, select Inquiry. The Inquiry Options (IQ) is displayed.
  2. Select CS Cont x Item. The Case Inquiry is displayed.
  3. Scan or input the Case ID you want to review and press Enter. The Case/Item Inquiry Result screen displays the first record that matches the inquiry.

    Case ID
    Case ID upon which the inquiry is being performed.
    Name of the owner of the item.
    Item code and description of the item.
    Total Qty
    Total quantity to be packed into this tote/case.
    Quantity picked to the tote but not yet shipped.
    Quantity shipped.
    Quantity remaining (total quantity – (quantity picked + quantity shipped)).
  4. Press 6 (forward) or 4 (back) to scroll inquiry results.
  5. To return to the Case/Item Inquiry screen, press Esc.
  6. To return to the Inquiry Options menu, press Esc.