Creating a receipt using ASN/Receipt
To create a Receipt using the ASN/Receipt screen:
- Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt.
- Click New.
- Specify an owner in Owner on the ASN/Receipts tab.
Click the Carrier tab and specify carrier and trailer information.
Note: Only items with a Bio-terrorism designation require carrier information at the time of receiving.
- On the ASN Detail tab of the ASN Detail screen, specify information for the Item, Expected Quantity, Received Quantity, and LPN fields.
- In Supplier Name, click the Supplier tab and specify the supplier name.
On the
Supplier tab, specify information for the Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip,
Country, and Phone fields.
Note: If the Supplier record already exists in the application as an owner or supplier, these fields are automatically populated.
- To save your changes, click Save.