Other Masking Examples
Multiple segments can be concatenated together to generate the desired masking for a lot attribute. To combine segments, separate each segment with a plus sign (+).
- Example 1
The lot attribute needs to include the following information:
- The Item number code
- The receipt month in YYYYMM format
- The purchase order number
The segments used for this will be:
- SKU;SKU (the sku field from the sku table (item master)
When combined into the masking, it will be: SKU;SKU+DTE;CC+DTE;YY+DTE;MM+POH;POKEY
- Example 2
The current date needs to be automatically captured in Lottable02 and stored as a date in Lottable 04. This can be done automatically using date format configuration as well as lottable validation rules and lot attribute masking.
Date Format Configuration (see the previous section for more information):
- A date format needs to be configured to manage YYMMDD Date Formats
Mask elements needed:
Setup for Lottable02:
- Visble = off
- Required = off
- RF Label: RcvDt (this setting does not matter in this example)
- Masking for Lot Attribute Generation = DTE;YY+DTE;MM+DTE;DD
- Lot Mask Generation Rule = Generate Automatically without showing the field to the RF user
- Max Length = 50 (this setting does not matter on this example)
In the detail section of the validation rule for Lottable02, select:
- Date Format = YYMMDD
- Conversion = Lottable04