Billing Address tab

  1. Click the Billing Address tab.
  2. Specify this information if the billing address and contact information is different from information on the Address tab.
    Address (1-4)
    Street address of the bill to company/freight bill to trading partner.
    City in which the bill to company/freight bill to trading partner is located.
    State or province in which the bill to company/freight bill to trading partner is located.
    Zip code or postal code of the bill to company/freight bill to trading partner.
    Country in which the bill to company/freight bill to trading partner is located.
    ISO Country Code

    International Organization for Standardization Country code of the bill to company/freight bill to trading partner.

    Note:  If the country code is not listed, enter it as a General code under ISOCOUNTRY.

    Country codes must be configured on the Codes table.

    Contact 1
    Name of the first individual to contact at the freight bill to trading partner organization.
    Phone number for bill to contact 1.
    Fax number for bill to contact 1.
    Email address for bill to contact 1.
    Contact 2
    Name of the first individual to bill to contact at the freight bill to trading partner organization.
    Phone number for bill to contact 2.
    Fax number for bill to contact 2.
    Email address for bill to contact 2.
  3. Click Save.