Weight adjustments
You have these options to adjust weights from the workstation:
- If the item is configured for End-to-End Serial Tracking and Inbound Catch Weight, the weight is part of the serial number record, so the total weight of each license plate is calculated from the weight information in Serial Inventory.
- The Weight impact of normal inventory adjustments can record when performing a regular adjustment.
- The weight of a license plate can also be adjusted without changing the quantity of the license plate, which is discussed in this section.
To adjust the weight of a license plate without changing the quantity of the license plate:
- Select
- Click to create a new receipt.
- Enter an Owner
- In the detail portion of the screen, you can perform a lookup on any of the fields to find the correct inventory record to be changed.
- Select the record desired from the lookup. This will populate the critical information for the inventory record, including the current inventory and weight information
- Update the To Weight information as needed to set the weights correctly.
- Select and adjustment Reason Code from the drop-down menu.
- Press . This action creates an inventory transaction to show the change in the weight. The quantity on the transaction will be zero because the overall quantity did not change.