Using RF to adjust inventory

For detailed information on how to use RF to perform adjustments, see the Infor WMS Inventory Management User Guide.

If the item being adjusted is configured for end-to-end serial capture, you must maintain specific information for the serial numbers being adjusted to complete the adjustment.

If the RF operator encounters a problem performing an adjustment of inventory that contains serial numbers, he can use the ESC key to cancel out of the transaction. The user is prompted with a message to ensure he wants to cancel. If this occurs, the adjustment information that was entered is reversed and the adjustment does not occur.

To perform this type of adjustment:

  1. Follow the instructions described in the Infor WMS Inventory Management User Guide for additional information on performing inventory adjustments on regular inventory. The Adjustment (AJ02) screen displays when the steps required to specify the inventory record to adjust are completed.
  2. Specify either the Adjust Qty or Target Qty. The Scan Serials (SM100) screen displays to enter the serials associated to the inventory record.
  3. The operator scans the serial numbers in the location. This is the Target Qty value on the previous screen or the Current Qty + Adjust Qty.
    • If a negative adjustment occurs (decrease in quantity), any serials that are not scanned are removed from inventory.
    • If a positive adjustment occurs (increase in quantity), the new serials are created in serial inventory as a result of the adjustment.
    • The addition or subtraction of serial numbers is recorded in the serial inventory transaction associated to the main adjustment transaction.