Appointments overview
You can use the appointment module to view and create Door/Dock appointments and trailer records for carriers that service Receipts, Shipment Orders, and Loads in Infor WMS Warehouse Management.
You can use this module to:
- Display the count of appointments by date. You can access an appointment for a specific date or door, or you can search for a specific document.
- Create or update an appointment either individually or create recurring appointments. You can link appointments to ASNs, shipment orders, and load.
- Create or update a trailer record and link the trailer directly to an appointment by updating the appointment.
When you update an appointment, updates are also made to associated ASNs, shipment orders, and linked trailer records.
- A trailer record can also be linked directly to ASNs and shipment orders. When you associate a trailer with an ASN or shipment order, the Trailer field on the ASN or shipment order screen is updated with the trailer number.
- View a history of status changes by searching for a specific trailer. If a trailer is associated with an ASN/ receipt, the status history is updated during RF receipt processing and by certain updates to ASN/Receipt screens .