Understanding appointment selection criteria

As defined in Viewing appointments graphically, the selection criteria you specify affects the appointments displayed within the Gantt chart.


You can determine the initial appointment displayed by specifying the initial time and initial date of the first appointment shown in the Gantt chart.

Number of Hours

You can view the appointments displayed within the Gantt chart in 15, 30, or 60 minute increments by changing the appointment selection criteria.

  • If you specify a value of 8 hours or less within the Number of Hours field, the time increments displayed are in 15-minute intervals.
  • If you specify a value of more than 8 hours and up to 12 hours within the Number of Hours field, the time increments displayed are in 30-minute intervals.
  • If you specify a value of more than 12 hours and up to 24 hours within the Number of Hours field, the time increments displayed are in 60-minute intervals. The maximum value you can specify within the Number of Hours field is 24 hours.
  • The default value for the Number of Hours field is 8 hours. Within the Gantt chart, the 8 hours are displayed as two hours earlier than the current time and 6 hours later than the current time. A red vertical line is displayed within the Gantt chart indicating the current time.

Door - Start and Door - End

  • If you specify a range of doors within the Door - Start and Door - End fields, the corresponding doors are displayed alphabetically within the first column in the chart.
  • If you do not specify any values within the Door - Start and Door - End fields, a list of doors - up to a maximum of 20 doors - is displayed within the first column in the chart.