UOM Conversions
The Measurement Conversion records identify the conversion between equivalent units of measure of different measurement types. For example, one of the standard conversions provided with the system is the conversion from cubic centimeters to cubic inches.
The system comes with a set of standard conversions. However, if you use any custom units of measure for inventory processing and billing services, you’ll want to configure the conversions required for those custom units of measure.
When you set up billing information, you identify the unit of measure level at which charges are accrued. However, the inventory may be stored and processed at a different unit of measure level. In this case, the system uses unit of measure conversion information to convert the inventory unit of measure to the billing unit of measure.
Units of Measure
- From UOM/ Description
- The original unit of measure.
- To UOM/Description
- The conversion unit of measure.
- Conversion Quantity
- The multiplier to convert measurements from the From UOM to the To UOM.