
Enhanced RF lookup procedure

The enhanced RF lookup application procedure (NSPRFLOOKUP2) provides WebRF and MetaRF users with more lookup options to return results through the two RF screen formats, SELECTOR or LOOKUPRESULT. You can specify which operator should be applied to each filter value. The available operators could be =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, <>, LIKE, IS NULL, and IS NOT NULL.

The NSPRFLOOKUP2 procedure contains this functionality:

  • For a given table name and list of field names, perform these steps:
    1. Filter columns, values, and operators
    2. Construct a query that reads records from the given table
    3. Return the options in the specified format as value and description pairs for the lookup screens or as sets of fields for the selector screens
  • The ability to show translated values from the TRANSLATIONLIST table
  • The input parameters to the procedure are in addition to the standard RF parameters that are sendDelimiter,ptcid,userid,taskId,databasename,appflag,recordType,server

Cluster pick by route ID option

This enhancement provides you with a new set of cluster RF screens to search the picks based on route ID for cluster and complete them through the RF. The Cluster Pick by Route ID screen is located under the existing cluster pick options in the RF applications. With this option, you can search the picks based on the route ID, assign the picks to the routes, and complete picking for all the picks associated to the route.

The Cluster Pick by Route ID option supports these types of picks:.

  • Barcode UOM Scanning, or Each Piece Scanning, based on owner and item level configuration. When used, you can scan an item or EAN number for each quantity against an LPN or Box ID.
  • Countdown picking by displaying remaining quantity to be picked on the screen.

With this option, you can perform these tasks:

  • Filter and assign all the picks associated to the route ID
  • Start picking process for the tasks based on stop sequence
  • Scan each unit of the item while picking
  • Pick more than expected quantity based on Order header configuration
  • Perform a short pick with valid reason code
  • Abort the picking process with valid reason code
  • Perform tally picking for cluster pick by route ID
  • Monitor remaining quantity to pick
  • Pick the partial quantities to new container, New Case ID

You cannot do each piece or tally picking for items configured to capture serial data or catch weight and summery weight data.

Label printing option for cloud users

This enhancement provides users with a new parameter to specify which label communication option to use: File Drop or NiceLabel based Label Printing. The NiceLabel based Label Printing option uses a new Loftware cloud application called NiceLabel Cloud, which is compatible with cloud installations. The NiceLabel based Label Printings host and port are configured at the Enterprise level for each tenant.

When you request labels through Infor WMS, the NiceLabel based Label Printing option is used to pass the XML label data to NiceLabel Cloud. If errors occur during the communication process, then the label data is logged to the LabelData table within Infor WMS to ensure that the labels are available for reprint after the communication issue is resolved.

If the Label Printing Mode parameter is set to NiceLabel based Label Printings, then you can view the details of failed label requests on the new Label Errors page. If the parameter is set to File Drop, then the navigation menu option for the page is hidden. From the Label Errors page, you can delete or resubmit the failed label jobs.

Release Interval Time setting enhanced for Task Reason

With this enhancement, you can set the Release Interval Time down to the seconds increment on the Task Reason page. You can input a decimal number between 0 and 1 to represent a time interval of seconds instead of the default minute time interval. After using a reason code such as Skip with Task Manager Picking and setting the time in seconds, operators can pass the skipped pick task to an operator without having to wait at least 1 minute. When the Release Interval Time is set as seconds, the Hide Next Task Screen Between Picks option is now available to be displayed because of the no-waiting time with a setting of 0 minutes.

For example, you can input a value of .08 which would represent a time interval of 4.8 seconds (0.8 x 60 minutes), which are then rounded to the nearest whole second, 5 seconds.

Extensibility Business Rule enhancements

This production update includes these enhancements to Extensibility:

  • To String added for the Date function

    You can use the To String to convert a date value to a string value. The To String can be used in both expression and action blocks of an extensible business rule. You cannot use the To String as lookup attributes.

  • Order By sorting on look-ups

    You can us the sort option of Order By for the records of a Lookup result and use the first record of the sorted result set in subsequent rule expressions and actions. You can create multiple sorts on a single lookup result.

  • Wave In Process and Background Job Status business information objects added

    This enhancement provides the ability to create extensible business rules for business information objects (BIOs) related to Wave In Process and Background Job Status.

Pack Complete message added for orders

A Pack Complete message has been added to the RF application. After the packing process has been completed through the RF, the Pack Complete message is displayed if the Order or From ID option is used when packing.


This enhancement effects the current value fields of counters located on the Number Control page located at the facility administration level under Facility Management. The Current Value field can now be greater than the value of 2,147,483,647 for counter records such as Adjustment, Receipt, and Order to name a few. After the counter is set, anytime a new ASN, shipment order, or adjustment is created, an ID based on the current counter configuration is generated.

New POST API for Pick detail records

With this enhancement, you can use the POST API capabilities to perform these tasks:

  • Create new pick detail records for an existing shipment order. The API can update certain information on the pick details that were created. Quantity is prohibited from updates at this time.
  • Update the picked carton weight fields, such as Gross, Net, and Tare, within pick detail records of the shipment order during integration.
  • Change the case ID of the pick detail to a new, unique ID such as the tote number.