Logging to the socket server log

If you are using a hand-held RF device and do not have access to the Chrome logs, the debug information can be captured and transferred to the socket server logs. Logging begins after logging in, so login issues are not captured.

Enabling debug logging in the socket server for on-premises deployments

  1. Edit the infor\sce\scprd\wm\socketserver\conf\log4j.xml file to add this information between the appender elements and the root element and restart the socket server:
    <category name=”com.ssaglobal.scm.listener.base.InforWebSocketListener”>
    <priority value="DEBUG"/>
    <appender-ref ref="XMLLogFile"/>
  2. Restart the socket server.

    Enabling debug logging in the socket server for multi-tenant deployments

    When working in Web RF, debug information is logged into the socketserver log. Log files may be large and may span multiple files.

    Entries are tagged with WebRF Client Side.

  3. Enable debug logging by adding parameter &DBG=DEBUG,ERROR,ALL to the end of the URL.
  4. Re-login to Web RF.
    • After you enable debug logging for socket server, re-login into Web RF.