Receiving catch weight/data (including serial numbers)

Serial number, catch weight, or other catch data elements can be captured against inbound receipts through these methods. These include: (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • As part of the RF receipt, the operator will be instructed to input the required weight or data.
  • The RF Serial Number maintenance screen can be used to update this record the required information if it was not captured as part of the initial receipt.
  • The import of ASN information can include specific catch weight/data information.
  • The user can use the workstation to record the required weight/data information. This can be done prior to the quantity being received or as part of the receipt being recorded.

To view or add catch data / catch weight information:

  1. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed in List view.
  2. Select an ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt Detail screen is displayed in List view.
  3. Select an ASN/Receipt Detail record.
  4. Click the Catch Data/Catch Weight tab.
  5. Click New to add a new record.
    • If a serial number needs to be added, use the Serial Number Long field to input.
    • Input the weight in the Received Weight field or other required data in fields Data Capture 2 – Data Capture 5.
  6. Click Save.