Specifying the initial parameters for the physical count

The first step required to perform physical inventory counts is to indicate the locations and inventory included in the count.

You can specify the initial parameters for the physical count. You can select a range of zones or a range of locations, or you can select a specific owner.

  • If you select the owner as a parameter, you can also specify the location range and/or zone range to limit the locations counted within that owner.
  • If you do not select the owner as a parameter, you can select the location range and/or zone range to specify what is included on the physical.
  • Note that if you do not specify values for the Location - Start/End and Zone - Start/End fields, count records will be initiated for all locations within the owner range.

To set up the initial parameters for a count:

  1. Select WMS > Execution > Cycle Count > New Physical Control.
  2. Click New. The New Physical Control screen is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Owner - Start
    Beginning owner in the range for the physical count release. The field is blank by default.
    Owner - End
    Ending owner in the range for the physical count release. The field is blank by default.
    Location - Start
    Beginning location in the (alphanumerical) range for the physical count release. By default, the field value is 0.
    Location - End
    Ending location in the (alphanumerical) range for the physical count release. By default, the field value is ZZZZZZZZ.
    Zone - Start
    Beginning zone in the (alphanumerical) range for the physical count release. By default, the field value is 0.
    Zone - End
    Ending zone in the (alphanumerical) range for the physical count release. By default, the field value is ZZZZZZZZ.
    Reason Code for Positive Adjustment

    Reason code used when a count variance results in a positive adjustment. This field is required.

    Reason Code for Negative Adjustment

    Reason code used when a count variance results in a negative adjustment. This field is required.

  4. Click Save. The saved date and time are reflected in the Date Created field.