Global preferences

Global preferences control the rules for the work center process and the reports that are generated during the process.

Field Description
Allocate_How Controls the allocation process that is initiated when a work order is released.

Per_Workorder allocates all components for all operations when the work order is released.

Per_Operation allocates the next available operation only. This requires you to release the work order each time a new operation is started.

Auto_Close_Workorders If set to True, when the last operation of a work order is completed (the full quantity has been completed), the work order automatically closes. The shipment orders associated with the last operation are shipped, and the work order and last operation statuses are updated to Closed and Completed respectively.

If set to False, the update of the work order status to Closed must be made on the CRT, but previously-mentioned updates are made.

Auto_Pre-allocate Is currently being worked on for the next release. When finished, if set to True, any downloaded or manually-created work order is automatically pre-allocated.

If set to False (or as currently working), you need to pre-allocate manually from the CRT Work Order Maintenance screen.

Pre-allocation is not required to release a work order, but is highly recommended to allow you to check for not fully pre-allocated details prior to the release. If pre-allocated details are found, reduce the quantity of the work order to a level that does not produce any shortages in components.

Local Editor Field that will eventually support any word processor the customer is using. Currently, only WinWord.EXE is supported; therefore, tests with other programs will not work.
Work Order Auto Create Field used in conjunction with the automatic creation of work orders from Not Fully Allocated Details that have a routing template defined in the system.