Understanding dynamic picking of non-standard pallets

Because some operations do not always receive consistent pallet sizes for their products, the WM module allows operators to pick pallets that vary in quantity. When this occurs the system re-calculates the number of full pallets and cases that remain to be picked.

WM considers the existing demand records and tries to consolidate the remaining quantity on to another demand record or creates a new demand record for a higher unit of measure (such as PALLET) if possible.

Note: Regardless of the quantity on the pallet, the operator can always specify a 0 (zero) in the quantity field on RF. This informs the system the entire quantity on that pallet is being picked, so the system will update the pick and order using the current quantity in inventory balances for that item.

Example: picking non-standard pallet sizes

Standard pallet quantity = 50 (Pallets of 40 and 45 have been received)

Case quantity=1

Order quantity=170

Pick processing step UOM Quantity
Initial allocation PL 50
Qty remaining=170 PL 50
PL 50
CS 20
First pallet pick with quantity=40 PL 50
Qty remaining=130 PL 50
CS 30
The CS record is updated from 20 to 30 because the quantity picked is 10 fewer than expected.
Second pallet pick with quantity=40 PL 50
Qty remaining=90 CS 40
The CS record is updated from 30 to 40 because the quantity picked is 10 fewer than expected.
Third pallet pick with quantity=40 PL 50
Qty remaining=50
Because the quantity remaining equals 1 standard pallet, demand is updated for 1 full pallet (Qty = 50).
Fourth pallet pick with quantity=40 CS 10
The CS record is updated to pick the remaining 10 cases.

Pallet pick of quantity greater than the standard pallet

Because pallet sizes may not be standard in some operations, the RF operator needs the ability to pick a pallet that contains more inventory than the standard pallet size. The standard pallet size for an item is used during allocation to create demand allocation records.

The RF operator can input the quantity that is on the pallet or input 0 (zero); zero indicates that the entire quantity on the pallet should be included in the transaction. If the quantity on the pallet is greater than the quantity remaining to be picked for the item on the order, then validations ensure that the order is not over-picked unless the flag on the order that indicates over-picking is allowed is active.

If Dynamic Pick Tasks are used by the operator to manage dynamic picking, the same updates done for demand allocation must be completed in the TaskDetail table. These updates include creating new records or updating the quantity and unit of measure information on existing records.