Configuring Barcodes

Barcode technology allows vendors to create labels that include multiple bits of data within a single barcode. Infor WMS Warehouse Management allows the receiver to scan a UCC/EAN 128 barcode at any time during the entry of an RF receipt record. The system recognizes the scan of this barcode, parses the information into its individual data elements, and populates the appropriate RF fields.

Any label scanned that begins with [A1, [B1, or [C1 signifies that the barcode is UCC/EAN 128. The application then parses the data string associated to each application identifier (AI) into the appropriate field(s). A UCC/EAN 128 barcode label can be comprised of multiple (AI) data combinations in the same barcode.

Barcode Configuration allows you to define a template of Application Identifiers (AI) used. This template is then assigned to the owner on the Owner Control tab.

For additional information on UCC/EAN 128 processing, see the Infor WMS Receiving User Guide.

  1. Select Configuration > Barcodes > Barcode Format.
  2. Click New. The Barcode Configuration screen displays with general header fields on the top portion of the screen and data identification and grouping detail fields on the bottom portion of the screen.
  3. Specify the header information:
    Barcode Format Name
    Identifying name of the barcode. Required field. Default is system generated number.
    Description of the barcode. Required field.
    Barcode Type
    Specify if the barcode is a 1D or 2D barcode. Required field.
    Barcode ID: Y/N
    Field that can be flagged to indicate if a barcode has a prefix identifier or not.
    Barcode Identifier
    The barcode prefix identifier that specifies the symbology used to create the barcode. Optional field.
    Prefix Trim Needed
    Field that can be flagged to indicate if a prefix trim from the start of a barcode is needed. Optional field.
    # Characters to Trim
    Specify the number of characters to trim off the start of the data string. Optional field.
    Text box where miscellaneous notes about the barcode can be entered. Optional field.
  4. Specify the data identification detail information.
    Barcode Format Name
    Automatically generated sequence number for a barcode data element (data field). The system starts with the numeric value of 10 and each new sequence added is incremented by 10. Required field.
    Description of the barcode. Required field.
    Data or Application Identifier
    Specify the Application or Data Identifier for the first element appearing in the barcode string if applicable. Default value is no selection/blank. Required field.
    Data Element Name
    Select the Data Element or Data Field Name for the first data element in the barcode. Required field if the Data Group field is not populated.
    Data Group Name
    Specify a name for a Data Group if you need to configure one. Note that if you are specifying a data group, you can click Save after you select Data Element or Group Repeats Until End of String (if applicable). Any remaining fields on the detail screen that are needed are also on the Data Group screen.
    Prefix Trim Number
    The number of characters to trim from the start of a data element. Optional field.
    Suffix Trim Number
    The number of characters to trim from the end of a data element. Optional field.
    Data Type
    The type of the data element field such as numeric, alphanumeric, or date. Required field.
    Data Length Type
    Select whether the data length is fixed or variable. Required field.
    Data Length
    Specify the length of the data field. Required field.
    Start Position
    Specify the start position where the data element begins. Optional field.
    Stop Position
    Specify the stop position where the data element ends. Optional field.
    Delimiter Used With Data Element or Data Group
    Select box to flag if delimiters are used with the data element or data group.
    Data Element or Group Repeats Until End of String
    Select box to flag if the data element or data group repeats until the end of string is reached.
    Delimiter (Before)
    Select the delimiter or separator that is used before the data element if applicable
    Delimiter (After)
    Select the delimiter or separator that is used after the data element if applicable
  5. Click Save. The new barcode is created and the first data element in the barcode string displays in the Data Identification detail list view on the bottom portion of the screen.
    • If you have more data elements to add to the barcode, click the New button on the details (bottom) area of the screen. Repeat the process until all data elements that need to be mapped back to the WM are configured.
    • If you want to delete a data element, click the check box next to the data element within the list that you want to delete and click the Delete button in the details area of the screen.