Performing internal transfers

This section describes the steps required for using the internal transfer function for transferring inventory from owner to owner or re-assigning lot attributes.

The inventory transfer allows the warehouse to change the characteristics of an item, such as lot number, and transfer the ownership of an item from one owner to another. The inventory transfer creates a receipt transaction and a shipment transaction in the inventory module.

If the inventory being transferred is configured for End to End serial capture, specific information for the serial numbers affected by the transfer must be maintained to complete the transaction. To perform this type of internal transfer:

  1. Select Execution > Inventory > Internal Transfer.
  2. Input all information as described in the Inventory Management User Guide.
  3. After all information (including quantity) has been input completely for the inventory transfer, pop-up screen will display to select the serial numbers to be included in the transfer.
    Screen Header
    Summary information on the move.
    To Owner
    Owner of the inventory record that is being moved.
    To Item
    Item on the inventory record that is being moved.
    To LPN
    LPN on the inventory record that is being moved.
    To Location
    Location to which the items on the inventory record are being moved.
    Quantity to Transfer
    The quantity that is being transferred.
    Quantity Selected
    The number of serial records selected by the user to transfer. This is updated by pressing the Calculate button. To complete the transfer, the Quantity Selected must match the Quantity to Transfer.
    Screen Detail
    Listing of all serial numbers currently in inventory for the record selected for the moved.
    Data 1-5
    Corresponding data elements that were captured during receipt for each serial number as required by the item configuration.
    New Weight
    Weight that was linked to the serial number that was capture during receipt if it was required.
  4. Click Save on the pop-up screen to apply the serial number information to the transfer. A new serial detail section will display below the transfer detail information.
  5. To make further changes to the serial information, click Edit.
  6. When all serial number information has been completed, click Save for the transfer.
  7. To complete the transfer, click Actions, select Finalize.