Saved Filters

The Saved Filters screen displays search filters that were created as part of the Wave Planning process. Instead of building a new query, you can retrieve a saved filter and use it to obtain a list of shipment orders matching the specific criteria in that filter.

On the Saved Filters screen, you can specify search criteria to search for a filter. You can specify search criteria in one or more of the following fields:

Filter ID
Code identifying the filter.
Filter Name
Name or description of the filter.
Modified by
Associate who last created or modified the filter.
Modified On
Date the filter was last modified.
Created On
Date the filter was initially created.
Default Filter
Flag indicating whether this filter is a default filter.

After you enter the search criteria, click Search. All filters matching the criteria display.

Once the saved filters display, you can select a specific filter to view and edit, you can delete a filter, or you can use a filter to view the shipment orders matching the search criteria.

Saves any changes made to the filter.
Deletes any filters you have selected.
Show Order List
Shows the list of shipment orders matching the criteria in the filter. Note you can only select one filter at a time to view shipment orders.
Note: You can also click on the detail icon to view the details of that specific filter.