Defining Boundaries

The system calculates the boundaries of the travel section based on the corner values you enter in the header area. If no travel or connection restrictions exist, you do not need to do any further configuration of the boundaries. By default, the system assumes travel and connection are allowed along the entire boundary of the section.

If, however, travel or connection restrictions do exist, you can change the Travel Allowed, Connection Allowed, and Speed selections on this tab.
Name (Side?)
The name of this boundary: top, right, bottom, or left. You cannot change this system-assigned value.
From X, From Y, From Z
The system-calculated X, Y, Z values for the first corner of this boundary. The From and To values are based on the initial corner values you defined in the header area. You cannot changes these From coordinates.
To X, To Y, To Z
The system-calculated X, Y, Z values for the last corner of this boundary. You cannot change these coordinates.
Travel Allowed?
Indicates whether equipment can travel along this boundary. If the value is No, the system sets the Connection Allowed field to Not Allowed.
Connection Allowed?
Indicates whether this section can connect to other sections along this boundary. Valid values are:
  • Yes: Equipment can enter this section at any point along this boundary.
  • Through access points: Equipment can enter or exit this section only through specific access points. If you select this value, you must define the access points for this boundary on the Access Points tab.
  • No: Equipment cannot enter or exit the section anywhere along this boundary.
Indicates the equipment travel speed along this boundary. The available travel speed selections are Slow and Fast. In general, equipment travels slower inside the aisles than it travels on the boundaries.
Note: You can only edit the travel speed for two of the four boundaries. If the aisles run in the X direction, you can only select the travel speed for the Right and Left boundaries. If the aisles run in the Y direction, you can only select the travel speed for the Top and Bottom boundaries.