Lottable validation configuration at Enterprise level

  1. Select Configuration > Validation Rules > Lottable to open the Lottable Validation list view.
    Note:  The Import and Export selections are available in the Lottable Validation list view. In addition to the functionality defined in the Infor WMS Introduction and Navigation User Guide, the import and export features within the Lottable Validation list view have been expanded.
    • You can click Import to import Microsoft Excel data to either create new records or update existing records. Infor CloudSuite WMS validates the field values before either new records are inserted or existing records are updated. If a validation fails, the import log record indicates the error file.
    • When you click Export, both header and detail data are exported to a Microsoft Excel file. As in other existing areas within Infor CloudSuite WMS, the header and detail values are exported to separate tabs in the Excel file.
  2. Click New to access the Lottable Display/Validation Form view.
    Note: An application-generated Lottable Validation ID Number is automatically created and can be changed to a unique, non-sequential value by adding, for example, a letter or name. If you change the number to a sequential number that has never been used by the application, it could cause duplication errors, which would result in application termination.
  3. On the Lottable Validation Header, enter the appropriate information in the following fields.
    Lottable Validation
    Record used for the validation and conversion of lottables. This scheme can then be applied to multiple commodities as necessary. Required.
    Definition of the lottable validation template.
    Capture Lottables with Serials at Receipt
    Select this check box to capture lottables with serials at the time of receipt. If not selected, then lottables are captured at the beginning.
    Capture Lottables with Each Piece Scan
    Select this check box to capture lottables with each piece. If not selected, then lottables are captured at the beginning and apply to all pieces.
    Control Supplier Lot
    Select this check box to activate supplier lot use.
    Lottable01 to Lottable12 Visible
    Check box, one for each lottable, identifying the visible lottables during RF receipts.

    Select the lottables that are to be visible during RF receipts. All lottable fields are visible on workstation ASN receipts, regardless of the selection you make.

    Lottable01 to Lottable12 Required
    Check box (one for each lottable) identifying the required lottable(s) during ASN receipts. Required.

    Select the lottables that are required during receiving. A lottable cannot be required unless it is visible.

    Lottable01 to Lottable12 Auto Fill
    Select this check box to specify that the lottable value should be copied from the Supplier Lot details.
    Allow Receipt Commingling
    Check boxes (one for each lottable that is not a system-reserved lottable) identifying if commingling of the lottable is allowed during the receiving process when building a Pallet ID/LPN. Optional.

    Select the lottables that can be commingled on the same Pallet ID/LPN during receiving.

    RF Label
    If a Lottable field is required during receiving and a value is not supplied, press any function key to generate a value for the lot (if a valid mask is defined).
    Masking for Lot Attribute Generation
    Define the syntax to use for the lot attribute. Information can be a result of Item, ASN, PO, or date information. Details on how to configure this column are discussed later in this section.
    Lot Mask Generation Rule
    Determines how the attribute should be generated. Available options are:
    • None
    • Generate Automatically without showing the field to the RF user
    • Generate Automatically but show the calculated value to the RF user.
    • Only generated when user requests a value
    Maximum Length
    Edits have been added to fully validate a mask whenever it is created or updated. The validation checks each segment to ensure that the total length generated is less than or equal to the Max Length value or 50 characters, whichever is less.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the Lottable Validation template.
  5. To indicate which lot attributes are visible or required on RF Receipts, select the corresponding Visible and Required check boxes.
    • When you select the Visible check box, the lottable is visible on RF Receipts. All twelve lottable fields automatically display on the ASN/Receipt workstation screen, regardless of whether the Visible field is set. This check applies only to RF visibility.
    • When you select the Required check box, the lottable is required on both workstation and RF receipts.
    • Any fields marked as Required are visible.
    • On the detail view, to enforce Shelf life validation, check the Shelf Life Validation box.
    • On the detail view, any lottables being converted from a date format string to the standard date should have the date format selected from the drop-down list. If date format feature is not configured, or no date format conversion is required, leave the field set to the default (None). For information on creating Date Formats, see the preceding section.
    • On the detail view, any lottables converted to either of Lottable04, Lottable05, Lottable11 or Lottable12 should have the conversion process selected from the Conversion drop-down list. If no conversion is required, leave the field set to the default No Conversion (None).
  6. On the Lottable Validation Detail, if applicable, specify this information:
    Shelf Life Validation
    Turn on this check box if you want the system to run shelf life validation rules against a specific lottable date capture field.
    Date Code Format
    If value received is a format that needs to be converted to a traditional date field, select the date format from the drop-down list. See Configuring a Date Code format for more information on creating date formats that display in this menu.
    Select a value from the drop-down menu to indicate which Lot Attribute Date field will be populated with the date converted from the date format captured at receiving
  7. Click Save.