Weight/Data Tab
Both the Weight/Data tab and the Summary Weight Capture tab are used to control the type of weight and data capture used through the system for the item. Since there are various ways to configure the system for weight tracking, this screen contains validation edits to ensure conflicting weight capture methods are not used in the application
For additional information on weight tracking capabilities, see the Infor WMS Capture Weight, Serial Number, and Data User Guide.
Click the
Weight/Data tab and specify
this information:
- Inbound Catch Weight
- Indicator that
determines whether weight is captured during inbound processing.
Checking this box will force the user to enter weights for each unit
during the receiving process. Note: If this flag is checked, the Inbound Summary RF Weight Capture flag cannot be turned checked. Likewise, if the Inbound Summary RF Weight Capture flag is on, Inbound Catch Weight is disabled and cannot be edited. An item cannot be configured to capture both types of weights.
- No Entry of Total Weight
- Indicator that determines whether the total weight for the item can be entered for a receipt line. If this check box is selected, you must enter weight lines individually and the RF user will not be given the opportunity to input a total weight for the receipt transaction.
- Average Net Weight
- Average weight of
the item, based on the UOM selection in the Capture Weight By field.
Required (if Inbound Catchweight is selected).
Default value: .00
- Tare Weight
- This is the weight of
the packaging on the item. This is added to the weight captured to
calculate the Gross Weight recorded in the system transaction and
stored in inventory balances.
Default value: Automatically populated when the item is created based on the Tare Weight defined for the item on the General tab.
- Tolerance (%)
- Allowable
deviation of weight (positive or negative) based on the average
weight entered. Tolerance (%) entered cannot have a negative value.
Default value: .00
- UOM for Weight/Data/Serial Capture
- Defines the unit
of measure both weight and data will be captured at during inbound
processing. Options are:
- EA (Each)
- CS (Case)
- PL (Pallet)
Default value: EA
Example: If there are 12 units per case and this value is set at CS (Case), the RF user will be required to capture weight/data for each case of 12 received. If 48 units are received, they are required to record 4 captures.
- Fill Quantity UOM
- This optional field is the unit of measure that is being referenced for catch weight information. This may specify the type of weight, such as grams or pounds, or could reference a different type of UOM, such as liters or gallons, that are being tracked in the weight.
- End to End Serial Capture
- Indicator that determines if the item will have unique serial numbers that are tracked from receipt through shipment. This will enable a separate level of inventory to be recorded for item through the warehouse.
- Inbound Catch Data
- Indicator that determines whether data, such as a serial number is captured during inbound processing.
- Inbound Catch Data Unique
- Only used if End to End Serial Capture is disabled for this item. This indicator determines if the Serial Number (Catch Data 1) must be unique for the item. If checked, the operator will be notified if trying to receive a serial that has already been received. If using End to End tracking, uniqueness is already validated.
- Catch Data Labels (Serial #, Other2, and Other3, Other4, Other5)
- This is the field label assigned to the corresponding catch data element on the RF device for ASN/Receipt, and Catch Weight screens. If Inbound Catch Data is selected, then at least one Catch Data Label (Serial #, Other2, Other3, Other4, Other5) must be defined. These labels must be no more than 5 characters long.
- Outbound Catch Weight
- Indicator that determines if weight is captured during outbound processing. Checking this box will force the user to enter weights for each unit during the picking process. If this flag is checked, the Outbound Summary RF Weight Capture flag cannot be turned checked (enabled). Likewise, if the Outbound Summary RF Weight Capture flag is checked, the Outbound Catch Weight is disabled and cannot be edited. An item cannot be configured to capture both types of weights.
- Outbound Catch Data
- Indicator that
determines whether data, such as serial number is captured during
outbound processing. Note: If End to End Serial Tracking is enabled for this item, this flag must also be checked.
- Average Net Weight
- Average weight of
the item, based on the UOM selection in the Capture Weight By field.
Default value: This will be automatically populated when the item is created based on the Net Weight defined for the item on the General tab.
- Tare Weight
- This is added to
the weight captured to calculate the Gross Weight recorded in the
system transaction and stored in inventory balances.
Default value: Automatically populated when the item is created based on the Tare Weight defined for the item on the General tab
- Tolerance (%)
- Allowable
deviation of weight (positive or negative) based on the average
weight entered. Tolerance (%) entered cannot be a negative value.
Default value: .00
- UOM for Weight/Data/Serial Capture
- Defines how the
average weight is captured during outbound processing. Options are:
- EA
- CS
- PL
Default value: EA
- No Entry of Total Weight
- Indicator that determines whether the total weight for the item can be entered for a receipt line. If this check box is selected, you must enter weight lines individually. If this check box is selected, you must enter weight lines individually and the RF user will not be given the opportunity to input a total weight for the pick transaction.
- Allow Customer Override
- Indicator that determines whether the Customer/Consignee can request the outbound catchweight feature, even if the item Outbound Catchweight field is set to No. This field overrides the item level setting.
- Outbound Catch Data Unique
- Only used if End to End Serial Capture is Off for the item. This indicator determines if the Serial Number (Catch Data 1) must be unique for the item. If checked, the operator will be notified if trying to pick a serial that has already been received. If using End to End tracking, uniqueness is already validated.
- Catch When
- Select how the Catch Data is to be captured during Picking or Packing. If using End to End Serial Tracking for the item, this must be set to At Pick.
- Catch Data Labels (Serial #, Other2 and Other3, Other4, Other5)
- Label assigned to the catch data titles on the RF, Shipment Order, and Catchweight screens. If Outbound Catch Data is selected, then at least one Catch Data Label (Serial #, Other2, Other3, Other4, Other5) must be defined.
- Voice Grouping Data
- Indicator that determines which catch data field is populated by voice.
- Save your changes.