Outbound Tab

  1. Click the Outbound tab.
  2. Specify this information:


    Allocation Strategy
    Set of configurable rules used by the system to allocate and pick based on operational needs.

    You can only select an allocation strategy or a classic allocation strategy (field described below). If you select values for both fields, a message indicating only one of the two fields can be selected is displayed when you click Save.

    Classic Allocation Strategy
    Set of configurable rules used by the system to allocate and pick based on operational needs.

    You can only select an allocation strategy (field described above) or a classic allocation strategy. If you select values for both fields, a message indicating only one of the two fields can be selected is displayed when you click Save.

    Replenishment Strategy
    Set of configurable rules used by the system to determine the source location for the replenishment. The replenishment strategy defined in this field is associated to the item. The default value is STD-Standard Replenishment Strategy.
    Carton Group
    Code used to identify the family of cartons used during cartonization. If this item does not use the cartonization function, create a standard cartonization code for items of this type.

    Default value: STD

    Manner in which the application rotates the item in the allocation and picking process. Used in conjunction with the Rotate By field during allocation and picking to select the product to pick. Select either a FIFO (default) or LIFO rotation.
    Rotate By
    Criteria used in conjunction with the Rotation field to determine which item is shipped first.

    For example, if Lot is selected, the application rotates items based on the lot number assigned at time of receipt. This can be any of the twelve lot attributes or the WM Lot number.

    Carton Group for Batch Picking
    Specify the Carton group to be used for the item during cartonization. If this field is left blank, the application uses the Bulk default carton group defined on the Batch Criteria screen. If this field is populated, it overrides the default and allows specific cartonization for the item. See the Infor WMS Batch Picking User Guide.
    Slotting Group
    Unique name used to identify the slotting group.
    Serial Number Start
    Starting serial number to be used when generating the SGTIN labels.
    Serial Number Next
    Next serial number to be used when generating the SGTIN labels. Must be greater than or equal to the starting serial number and less than or equal to the ending serial number. This field increments each time a new SGTIN label is created for a SKU. An error generates if the increment causes the next serial number to be greater than the ending serial number.
    Serial Number End
    Ending serial number to be used when generating the SGTIN labels. Must be greater than the starting serial number. Specify the ending SGTIN serial number for the item.
    Preferred Placement on Pick Container
    Specify if an item, based on crushability/stackability, should be picked first and placed on bottom or picked last and placed on top of other picked items. The pick sequencing logic considers the value in this field when determining travel sequence. The logic then sorts accordingly by location sequence. Valid values are None (default value), Top and Bottom.
    Replenishment Putaway Strategy
    This selection allows the system to be configured to run demand replenishment at the Item level instead of at the UOM.
    Note: The Replenishment Strategy and Replenishment Putaway Stategy fields on this Outbound tab within the Item configuration are also fields on the Classic Pre-Allocation strategy. The system first checks the values for these fields on the Classic Pre-Allocation strategy. If these fields are not selected on the Classic Pre-Allocation strategy, the system checks the values for the fields on this Outbound tab.
    Replenishment Location Sort Method
    After the correct LOT has been determined using the Rotation and Rotate By values, this is the sort method used to find the location to use when moving product using replenishment. The method used for Replenishment should be similar to the method used for allocation to ensure the correct product is moved during replenishment.

    Valid value are:

    • Route/Location Sequence

      Replenish product from the lowest location Interleaving Sequence, Route Sequence, or Location ID.

    • Clean Location (quantity low to high)

      Select from the location with the lowest quantity on hand.

    • Descending Location Sequence

      Replenish product from the highest location Interleaving Sequence, Route Sequence, or Location ID.

    Date Code Days
    Number used by the application to calculate a date range (Upper Boundary and Lower Boundary) for pallets that can be picked.
    Note: In short, this field establishes a date range for Dynamic Picking. Based on the calculation, the application suggests a location where the lowest (FIFO) or highest (LIFO) lottable pallet is placed. You can then pick any pallet that falls within that range.
    Outbound QC Location
    Location used when an outbound inspection location has not been specified for an item to be inspected.
    Lot control at Packing
    Check box indicating whether lot control is validated during the packing process. Default value is Off (box in not checked). If On (box is checked) and multiple lots are required to pack the item quantity needed, the user is prompted to select the correct lot if multiple lots for an item have been picked into the container from which they are packing.
    Packing Quantity Always 1
    Check box specifying that the packing quantity is always one. Default value is Off (box is not checked). If On (box is checked), the user confirms packing quantity one unit at a time and is not prompted to enter the quantity. If Off, the user is able to enter the quantity to pack with each scan of the item.
    Round Quantity on Backflush
    This check box is used during the production order process to indicate if the quantity shipped for components should be rounded to the next whole number. If it is On (default), decimal quantities will not be used. If this is Off, the quantity shipped and remaining open can be tracked as a decimal. An example of turning rounding off is if the inventory is measured in gallons or liters and you need to track the quantity in decimal units.
    Barcode UOM Scan for Picking
    When Default Barcode UOM Scan for Picking in Enterprise > Configuration > Trading Partner > Owner > Task, this check box is automatically selected. You can clear the check box to disable item scanning for each quantity of a configured barcode UOM. Or, you can select this check box without selecting Default Barcode UOM Scan for Picking at the owner level.


    Check box indicating whether the item is eligible for Opportunistic Crossdock.
    Note: You cannot activate this field if end to end serial number tracking is also activated.
    Group Flow Thru Cases into Single Pick
    Used to determine if the system should try to cartonize flow thru orders upon allocation.
    Note: If this setting is not activated, the system creates a separate pick for each case allocated for the flow thru order.
    Used to indicate if the system should group all full case quantities into a single pick for an item during flow thru allocation. The full case quantity is determined by the Pack used during the receipt. If this selection is Off (not checked), a separate pick is created for case allocated. If this selection is On (checked), the system groups all cases for an item into a single pick, therefore reducing the number of picks to be completed.
    Group Flow Thru Eaches into Single Pick Default
    Used to indicate if the system should group any quantity less than a full case into a single pick for an item during flow thru allocation. The full case quantity is determined by the Pack used during the receipt. If this selection is Off (not checked), a separate pick is created for each unit less than a case. If this selection is On (checked), the system groups these picks together, therefore reducing the number of picks to be completed.

    Check box indicating whether the item is conveyable.

    Crossdock - Verify Lottable04/Lottable05

    Check box indicating whether the item requires verification of either Lottable04 or Lottable05.


    Outbound Validation Key
    Select an outbound validation key to enable lot attribute values during the packing process.


    Allow Consolidated Picking
    Check box indicating whether the item is considered for consolidation during wave processing.
    Automatically Assign Consolidation Location
    This check box indicates if the system should attempt to automatically consolidate this item when a wave is created and if the total quantity ordered on the wave is greater than the Minimum Wave Quantity. When doing the automatic consolidation the system will look at available Speed Line locations and perform the consolidation when the wave is created without user interaction.
    Note:  This also requires the system setting AUTOMATICALLYCONSOLIDATORDERS to be turned ON.
    Minimum Wave Quantity
    Minimum wave demand amount for an item to be considered during consolidated wave processing.
    Location Minimum for Consolidated Picking
    This quantity is used to control when an item needs to be replenished once it has been consolidated. This becomes the Minimum Capacity on the Assign Locations tab of the item once the speed pick location is assigned and allocation runs. When the quantity in the location reaches this level the priority to replenish the location increases.
    Note: The quantity displayed on this screen is based on field UOM Used for Location Min/Max Settings, which allows you to determine which UOM you are viewing and to enter the min/max settings on this screen. This can make it easier if you want to define the information based on full pallets instead of eaches. The data, though, is always saved in master unit quantity.
    Location Maximum for Consolidated Picking
    This quantity is used to control the maximum quantity allowed in the speed pick location once it has been consolidated. This becomes the Maximum Capacity on the Assign Locations tab of the item once the speed pick location is assigned and allocation runs. When the quantity in the location reaches this level you will not get additional replenishment tasks until the minimum is reached.
    Note: The quantity displayed on this screen is based on field UOM Used for Location Min/Max Settings, which allows you to determine which UOM you are viewing and to enter the min/max settings on this screen. This can make it easier if you want to define the information based on full pallets instead of eaches. The data, though, is always saved in master unit quantity.
    Speed Pick Group Strategy
    Set of configurable rules used by the system to determine the target speed pick location for the demand replenishment. The speed pick group strategy defined in this field is associated to the item.
    Default Replenishment UOM for Consolidation
    This becomes the Minimum Replenishment UOM on the Assign Locations tab of the item once the speed pick location is assigned and allocation runs. This controls whether the replenishment should only be issued to operators if the quantity they can fit in the location is at least the quantity for this unit of measure.
    Lot Swapping Allowed
    Set this flag to determines if the picking process should allow lot swapping.