Configuring an Order Status

An order status indicates the status of each Shipment Order or Transfer order in the application. This status is vital in helping you to determine the progress that has been made on an order. Order statuses are updated automatically by the application through Events or through an interface with an outside application. You can select the statuses used by the application at a warehouse level. This option allows you to select only those statuses that apply to your facility.

Order Statuses are held at both the header and detail levels for Shipment Orders and Warehouse Transfer Orders.

Note:  This feature does not apply to Purchase Orders.

The status at the order header level is updated based on the status of the detail lines. For example, if a Shipment Order with three detail lines has two lines allocated and one line in picking then the status at the order header is Part Allocated/ Part Picked. If a change occurs to any one of the detail lines on an order the application automatically re-evaluates the order line status codes and also updates the status of the order header.

This table shows the status types for orders and order detail lines:

Code Status Explanation
00 Empty Order An order has been included for a wave, but there are no items for the order.
02 Created Externally Order is initially added into the application. The customer order and order details are created via an interface with an outside application.
04 Created Internally Order is created in the application. The order and order details are created within the application.
06 Did Not Allocate The allocation process was run on the order but stock was not allocated.
08 Converted Order has been converted from a Flow thru Order to a Shipment Order.
09 Not Started Order has been added to the wave but no processing has been done.
-1 Unknown The application was not able to determine the correct status for the order.
11 Part Pre-allocated Partial stock has been reserved for this order, but some items were not in stock.
12 Pre-allocated Inventory has been reserved for the order, but not allocated.
13 Released to Warehouse Planner Warehouse Planner Order is processing the order.
14 Part Allocated Part of the stock has been reserved for the order.
15 Part Allocated/ Part Picked Order has been allocated, not all items were in stock, and the order has been partially picked.
16 Part Allocated/Part Shipped Order has been allocated and some of the items have been shipped.
17 Allocated Order has been allocated and all items were in stock.
18 Substituted Order or order detail contains a substituted item.
-2 OutofSync The application was not able to determine the correct status for the order.
22 Part Released Tasks have been created for part of the order quantity.
25 Part Released/Part Picked Tasks have been created for the order and part of the quantity has been picked.
27 Part Released/Part Shipped Tasks have been created for the order and part of the quantity has been shipped.
29 Released Pick tasks have been created for the order.
51 In Picking Order Detail has some pick details In Process.
52 Part Picked Some of the pick detail lines for the order detail have been picked.
53 Part Picked/ Part Shipped Some of the pick detail lines for the order or order detail have been picked or shipped, or both.
55 Picked Complete The order has been picked.
57 Picked/ Part Shipped Detail line has been picked and partially shipped.
61 In Packing Part of the order has been packed.
62 Packed The order has been packed.
68 Pack Complete All detail lines for the order have a Drop ID assigned to them.
75 Staged All details for the order line are moved to a Location of Type = Staged.
78 Manifested Status triggered when the order detail has been updated by an interface with an outside manifesting application.
82 In Loading Loading process has started for at least one line on the order.
88 Loaded All RF Loading tasks have been completed for an order.
92 Part Shipped Some of the total quantity on the order has been shipped.
94 Close Production A separate process is required to update the production order to shipped status.
95 Shipped Complete The order has been completely shipped.
96 Delivered Accepted Status comes from an interface indicating delivery has been accepted.
97 Delivered Rejected Status comes from an interface indicating delivery has been rejected.
98 Cancelled Externally Status comes from an outside interface calling for the cancellation of the order.
99 Cancelled Internally Status comes from an internal source calling for the cancellation of the order