Defining Conditions Details

  1. To create a condition detail, click New on the Condition tab. The Condition Detail window is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The placement in the sequence of conditions to use for the evaluation of this conditional statement. When this condition is in use, the system process the details on the condition record based on the sequence you assign to the detail records.
    The object within the task request to which this condition applies. A task record includes multiple objects, such as a to location, a from location, and an equipment type. The value you select here determines which fields are available to use.
    The field to which this condition applies. Available fields are based on the object you select. For example, if your object is the From Location, you could select from Location Type, Zone, and so on.
    Specify the comparison operator for this conditional statement, such as equals, does not equal, between, and so on.
    Value 1
    The value to compare based on the value in the Operator field. For example, if you select a location within a certain zone, specify the name of the zone.

    For the Between or Not Between operators, specify the starting value; you must define the ending value in the Value 2 field.

    Value 2
    The ending value in the range of values to compare. Only applicable if the value in the Operator field is Between or Not Between.
    Any notes or comments about this condition statement.
  3. Click Save.