Yard view

You can use Yard View to get a visual look at the yard, appointments, and work schedules for the activities that take place outside of the warehouse. The Yard View feature can be used to track where trailers are in the yard and to answer questions such as these:

  • Is the trailer empty?
  • Is there work to be done on the trailer?
  • When is a trailer supposed to leave or arrive?
  • Can I service another trailer at any given time?

The Appointments page through Yard View provides you with a way to view appointments, change dates, and create a new appointment to show when trailers are scheduled to arrive and leave the yard. The Service Window page through Yard View shows all the scheduled service times and provides a way to view service windows, change dates, and create a new service window for a trailer. You can use the information on these pages to manage the yard, track trailers, and manage the work that needs to be done on a trailer.