Defining a Travel Section

To define a travel section.

  1. Select Labor Workbench > Labor Standards > Sections > Travel Section. The system displays the Travel Section Header/Detail page.
  2. Click New. The system displays the Travel Section selection page.
    Use this form to enter configuration header information for the selected record. Field definitions are provided below. The system calculates the boundary values and aisle positions based on the corner values you enter in the header. If you do not need to set any travel or connection restrictions or adjust the aisle positions and travel flow within a specific aisle, you do not need to perform any additional configuration steps.
  3. Click Save. After you create a new travel section, you must submit the travel section header information before you can define the detail information. After you submit and save the header, the system displays the detail tabs.
    Section Name
    The ID of the section.
    A full text description of the section.
    Color (RGB)
    The RGB color code used to indicate the color-coded travel section area displayed on the facility map. The RGB color code must contain exactly six characters with each character being in the range of 0-9 or A-F.
    Bottom Left Corner
    The X, Y, and Z values of the bottom left corner position of the section.

    Based on the overhead view of the section, use the corner values from the bottom left corner of the travel section to accurately identify the named boundaries of the section: top, bottom, and so on.

    Top Right Corner
    The X, Y, and Z values of the top right corner of the travel section. If this is a travel line rather than a section, the X or Y value matches the corresponding value for the bottom left corner. If this is a travel point, the X, Y, and Z values match the previous entries.
    Aisle Direction
    The axis on which the aisles are located, X or Y.
    Travel Direction (Flow within Aisle)
    Specify the direction of travel along the aisles in the section. one-way or two-way. For one way travel restrictions, you can further identify the travel flow for each aisle based on increasing location value or decreasing location value on the Aisle Positions tab in the detail area.

    To consider one-way travel restrictions for travel route calculations, you can use the Task Restrictions tab. On the Task Restrictions tab, you can identify which task types must conform to the one-way travel configurations for this section. If you do not identify any tasks, the system uses two-way travel for all task types regardless of the value in the Travel Flow within Aisles field.

    Initial No of Aisles
    The initial number of aisle positions to use. The system will automatically create this number of aisle position records based on the position of the locations in this section, which you can edit as needed. You can also add aisle positions at any time.

    After you save the Travel Section header, the system uses the section boundaries, aisle orientation, and location X and Y values to determine the appropriate placement of the aisles. You can then use the Aisle Position tab to review the system-calculated positions and to edit, add, or delete position records.

    Artificial Midpoint
    This is the midpoint of the aisle. If the aisle direction is along the X axis, the midpoint is an X axis value. Initially set this to the midpoint of the aisle. It is possible that due to other configuration variables the system may choose a route that is less than optimal. This midpoint value can be modified to change how a route is calculated.
  4. For more advanced travel section configuration, you can define additional information on the following detail tabs:
    • Equipment restrictions
    • Task restrictions
    • Boundaries
    • Access points
    • Aisle positions
  5. Click Save when complete.