Explanation - STD Scenario #4
- Pre-allocation
This scenario produces different results in pre-allocation because of the setting to use current inventory in the forward pick locations. The 1-Mar lot was still selected for the full pallet because all inventory for the oldest lot (1-Mar) is in the forward pick locations. The case pick is now split between two lots. One case (12 units) comes from the oldest (1-Mar) lot since there are only 12 units of this lot in the case location. The remaining two cases (24 units) will be allocated from the next (1-Mar) lot available in the case location. As with the other scenarios, the each picks will allocate the oldest lot.
- Allocation
The full pallet was allocated from the first reserve location for the lot determined by pre-allocation. Because preallocation used the current inventory in the case location to determine which lots to allocate, one case (12 units) was allocated from the 1-Mar lot and two cases (24 units) were allocated from the 1-Mar lot.