Defining allowance header record

You can define up to a maximum of five allowances for an operation.

To define an allowance:

  1. Click the Allowances tab on the Operations screen.
  2. Click the New button on the Allowances tab.

    If you have already defined five allowances for an operation, you cannot select the New button.

  3. Specify this information:
    Allowance Name
    Specify a name for this allowance.
    Specify a description for this allowance.
    Allowance Type
    Select the type of allowance. The type defines how the allowance is calculated with regards to these types:
    • Flat Percent: Specifies a single flat percentage
    • Discrete Value:Utilizes the Object and Field combination to designate a field from the labor request. An allowance detail record is required to specify the value to compare to the value of the data designated by the object and field combo and a corresponding allowance percentage.
    • Data Range: Utilizes the Object and Field combination. The value from the chosen field from the labor request is used as a lower boundary.
    Default Percentage (%)
    Specify the default percentage used if the appropriate percentage is not specified within the allowance detail page.
    Select the object name that defines a type of labor request to the standards engine. If Discrete Value or Data Range is selected in the Type field, then this field must be selected. The values for this field are preloaded.
    Specify a field based on the object type selected in the Object field. The values for this field are preloaded.
    Select the check box to indicate that this allowance is active. If not selected, the allowance information is not considered when calculating standards even if it is attached to an operation or element.
    Specify any comments or notes about this allowance record.
  4. Click Save to save the allowance.
    • If you want to add details to an allowance, click New on the Allowance Detail tab.
    • If you want to add another allowance to the operation, click the New button located directly below the Allowances tab.
    • If you want to delete an allowance, select the applicable allowance from the list view and click Delete.