Summary Weight Capture tab
Click the Summary Weight Capture tab to set controls for capturing and tracking weights for license plates at the summary level.
Inbound Summary RF Weight Capture
Check this to enable the summary weight capture screen to display to the RF operator during receipt. If this is off, the system will calculate the weight information of the receipt using the standard weights configured for the item. This flag cannot be turned on if the Inbound Catch Weight flag on the Weight/Data tab is active. An item cannot be configured to capture both types of weights.
Outbound Summary RF Weight Capture
Check this to enable the summary weight capture screen to display to the RF operator during picking. If this is off, the system will calculate the impact of the weight change by prorating the weights on the license plate. This flag cannot be turned on if the Outbound Catch Weight flag on the Weight/Data tab is active. An item cannot be configured to capture both types of weights.
Display Summary RF Weight Capture for Other Transactions
Check this to enable the summary weight capture screen to display to the RF operator during normal inventory transactions. This includes Adjustment, Inventory Moves, Replenishment, and Cycle Counts. If this is off, the system will calculate the impact of the weight change by prorating the weights on the license plate.
UOM for Summary Weight Capture
This is used to indicate which Unit of Measure the weights configured on this tab represent. The system uses the UOM and weight to calculate the expected weight for transactions on RF.
Default value: blank. It is only required if one of the summary capture flags previously discussed is turned on.
Catch Gross Weight
This indicates the RF operator will input the Gross Weight (total of Net weight and Tare weight). If this is on, the summary weight capture screen will calculate an expected weight and allow the operator to modify. This flag is not editable unless at least one of the summary capture flags are turned on.
Standard Gross Weight
This is the average gross weight of the item based on the unit of measure selected in the UOM for Summary Weight Capture field on this screen. If the UOM is 'Each', the system will calculate the expected gross weight for the transaction by multiplying the transaction quantity times this Standard Gross Weight value. If the UOM is Case, the system will calculate the expected gross weight for the transaction using the transaction quantity divided by the case quantity and then multiplying by this Standard Gross Weight value.
Default value: This will be automatically populated when the item is created based on the Gross Weight defined for the item on the General tab. The item configuration requires the Gross Weight to be equal to Net Weight + Tare Weight.
Catch Net Weight
This indicates the RF operator will input the Net Weight. If this is on, the summary weight capture screen will calculate an expected weight and allow the operator to modify. This flag is not editable unless at least one of the summary capture flags are turned on.
Standard Net Weight
This is the average net weight of the item based on the unit of measure selected in the UOM for Summary Weight Capture field on this screen. If the UOM is 'Each', the system will calculate the expected net weight for the transaction by multiplying the transaction quantity times this Standard Net Weight value. If the UOM is Case, the system will calculate the expected net weight for the transaction using the transaction quantity divided by the case quantity and then multiplying by this Standard Net Weight value.
Default value: This will be automatically populated when the item is created based on the Net Weight defined for the item on the General tab. The item configuration requires the Gross Weight to be equal to Net Weight + Tare Weight.
Catch Tare Weight
This indicates the RF operator will input the Tare Weight. If this is on, the summary weight capture screen will calculate an expected weight and allow the operator to modify. This flag is not editable unless at least one of the summary capture flags are turned on.
Standard Tare Weight
This is the average tare weight of the item based on the unit of measure selected in the UOM for Summary Weight Capture field on this screen. If the UOM is 'Each', the system will calculate the expected tare weight for the transaction by multiplying the transaction quantity times this Standard Tare Weight value. If the UOM is Case, the system will calculate the expected tare weight for the transaction using the transaction quantity divided by the case quantity and then multiplying by this Standard Tare Weight value.
Default value: This will be automatically populated when the item is created based on the Tare Weight defined for the item on the General tab. The item configuration requires the Gross Weight to be equal to Net Weight + Tare Weight.
Zero Default Weight for RF Picking
This field determines if the expected weight information for the pick should be calculated by the system and displayed to the RF operator or if the weight should be displayed to the operator as 0 (zero) to force the weight capture.