Receiving process for mixed license plate putaway

Two general types of receiving processes can be used to create mixed license plates with multiple items that will be putaway and stored with the same license plate.

  • Normal receiving

    The operator inputs the item, quantity, lottable, and license plate information during the receipt.

  • Single scan receiving

    The ASN already contains the required item, quantity, lottable, and license plate information for all items on the pallet.

In either method, the system validates that all items received to the same license plate are assigned to the same putaway class. If they are not, the operator receives this message:

Cannot receive to license plate ABC. Inventory
already exists for this LPN for an item in a different putaway

See the Infor WMS Receiving User Guide for information on completing the receipt.

If task manager is being used for putaway, only one task is created for the license plate. The item number on the task is updated as MIXED at the time multiple items are linked to the same pallet during receiving. At this time, the putaway strategy configured for mixed license plate putaway is used to direct the putaway process.