Receiving using the workstation

To perform receiving using the workstation:

  1. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed in List view.
  2. To display a list, use the Search feature.
  3. Click the checkbox next to the lines that you want to receive. Click Actions and Receive. The system performs the Receive All process on the selected ASN/Receipts.
  4. Select the ASN/Receipt associated with the arriving load. The ASN/Receipt Detail screen is displayed in List view.
  5. Verify the information in the ASN/Receipt against the actual receipt.
  6. Select a detail. The ASN/Receipt Detail screen is displayed in Form view.
  7. On the ASN Detail tab specify this information:
    Received Qty
    Quantity of the line item received.
    Received Date
    Date the total quantity of items was received for the item.
    Location where the item was received.
    Case or pallet ID for the line item.
    Hold Code
    Records the hold reason code if the product being received needs to be immediately placed on hold. For example, if the item was damaged during shipment, it is noted in this field. The default for this is OK. If the product needs to be put on hold, select a valid code from the drop-down menu.

    When product is received with a code other than OK, the system creates an Inventory Hold record for the License Plate being received.

    Note:  The Hold Code field is valid only if the facility is using pallet IDs. If the facility does not use pallet IDs, use the Damage location type to record and track damaged items.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • Specify the Received Qty and click Save.
    • Click the checkbox next to the lines that you want to receive. Click Actions and Receive. The system performs the Receive All process on the selected lines.
    • Click Actions and select Receive All.
    Note: Attempting to edit an ASN or PO is not allowed when the ASN or PO status is one of the following:
    • Cancelled
    • Closed
    • Verified Closed