Using inventory transactions
Inventory transactions are recorded within the application by any receipt, shipment, adjustment, or location change. Inventory Control associates find these records vital when investigating inventory imbalance conditions. Auditors use these records when tracking events related to inventory issues. Reviewers of these records search by item, receipt number (ASN), license plate number (LPN), date, and so on, to retrieve only those records pertaining to the investigation they are performing.
Common examples for reviewing inventory transactions include:
- A vendor has challenged the amounts that were recorded during receipt of a shipment. Inventory Control uses the related ASN number to investigate.
- A cycle count for an item has indicated a large difference between the application’s inventory and the actual physical inventory. The item number is used to retrieve all related inventory records.
- A pallet is discovered in the wrong location in the warehouse. The LPN is used to retrieve all of the related move transactions to determine the last location of the pallet.
- A pick location has been found to contain the wrong item. The withdrawals associated with that location since the pallet was placed here identify those that received the wrong item.