Data Properties

This section describes the controls, and their properties, on the Data tab of the Form Builder. These tables list properties specific to individual controls. See " Form Builder Common Control Properties " on page 224 for common control properties.

Data Source

A data source is an element used to retrieve information from database tables. This information can be retrieved through one of the following means: by specifying a database table to which the data source points, by specifying a query (SQL statement) or view, or by using a pre-defined rowsource.

Property Description Sample Value Mand-atory or Optional Notes
Hidden fields Indicates whether hidden fields are used on the form. These fields are retrieved from the database, but not displayed. For example, you might want to include a Social Insurance Number in a query, but not display the number on the form. Optional
Max rows Represents the maximum number of rows (records) that are fetched by the Data Source. 5 Mandatory Defaults to 20.
Order by An SQL Order By clause that is used to sort the table or query results.
Page Change Refresh Used on multiple-page forms, to indicate whether the data should be refreshed when the user selects a new page. A selected checkbox. Optional
Parameter See Source Parameter
Readonly If selected, prevents updates to existing data. A selected checkbox. Optional
Reload Buttons Indicates whether buttons are displayed on the form based on what the user enters or selects when completing the form.
Source Parameters Stores SQL code. For example, can be used to enter select statements, create views, or specify where clauses. Optional Used in conjunction with the Source Type to specify parameters.
Source Type The Data Source type. Query Optional Can be one of the following types:




Cross Tab


Employee Default Labor

Employee Balance








See " Form Builder Data Sources " on page 15.

Type See Source Type
Update Buttons Lists the Update Buttons for the DataSource. The datasource is to be updated only when the user clicks one of these buttons Optional A form can have several datasources and several reload buttons. This property prevents the updating of all DataSources when any of these buttons are clicked.

DB Table

The DB Table represents a grid-like table that stores the database information retrieved by the data source, which, in turn, can point to one or more database tables.

Property Description Sample Value Mandatory or Optional Notes
Border Thickness of the control's border. 5 Optional Measured in pixels.
Bordercolor dark Color of the control's border. Specifically, the top and left borders of the table frame and the bottom and right borders of the cell frames. Black Optional Default color is Light Gray.
Bordercolor light Color of the control's border. Specifically, the bottom and right borders of the table frame and the top and left borders of the cell frames. Dark Gray Optional Default color is Gray.
Cell padding Thickness of the border between the subordinate control and the table line. 2 Optional Measured in pixels.
Cell spacing Spacing between the cells within the table. 2 Optional Measured in pixels.
Columns The number of columns within the table. 5 Optional Cannot delete columns that still contain subordinate controls.
Data Source The Data Source name, which is the source from where data is retrieved and then displayed. dsEmployee

(Links to the dsEmployee DataSource control which has already been added to the form and linked to the EMPLOYEE table.)

Mandatory A DB Table always contains one heading row. This heading row is displayed along the top or left column of the DB Table (depending on the DB Table orientation). Heading rows do not reference (point to) a data source - they simply represent heading descriptions for the DB Table data column (or row). Therefore, the Datasource property of any field control within a DB Table heading row is always blank.

See " Data Source " on page 252.

Frame Appearance of the table frame border. LHS means frame border on the left hand side of the table only. Optional Defaults to Box

Can choose one from the following list:





Hsides (Horizontal Sides)

LHS (Left-hand side)

RHS (Right-hand side)


Vsides (Vertical sides)

Insert rows Represents the number of rows within the table. 5 Optional Cannot delete rows that still contain subordinate controls.
Orientation Determines the layout orientation of the entire table. Horizontal Optional Defaults to Vertical.
Summary Adds a summary column or row (depending on the table orientation) to the end of the table. Optional

Delete Check Box

Displays a Delete check box that enables users to delete data rows (records) from a DB Table.

Property Description Sample Value Mandatory or Optional Notes
Data Source Represents the Data Source name, which is the source from where data is retrieved and then displayed. dsEmployee

(Links to the dsEmployee DataSource control which has already been added to the form and linked to the EMPLOYEE table.)

Mandatory See " Data Source " on page 252.
Value Represents the control's default value-can be either selected or not selected. A selected checkbox. Optional


Performs a set of events based on the block of PL or SQL code entered in the After submit, Before load, or Before submit properties. This method enables you to run events on a form, without sending the form through the complete workflow process.

Property Description Sample Value Mandatory or Optional Notes
After submit Performs the set of events, based on the block of PL or SQL code entered, after the user submits the form. For example, once the user submits a form, you might want the form to be updated to display the Employee Name at the top of the form. Optional
Before load Performs the set of events, based on the block of PL or SQL code entered, before the form loads. For example, before a form loads, you might want to ensure that the timesheet is updated. Optional
Before submit Performs the set of events, based on the block of PL or SQL code entered, before the user submits the form. For example, you might want to ask the user to verify the information on the form before submitting. Optional
Fire at Loads Indicates that the event is run immediately at the selected load. First Load

Page Change

Fire at Nodes If this form is part of a workflow, the event is run at a workflow node. All


Optional This is the equivalent of embedding a workflow node within a form. Can choose from the nodes in the associated workflow.