Updates to MVS tables

For Release 7.1.0, MVS database tables have been updated due to development of new features and refactoring of existing features. This topic provides information about the tables added, removed, and changed to help migrate your existing code. This information is provided for reference purposes only.

General statement on accessing data in WFM

Customizations should use internal Java services to access data in WFM. Customizations should not directly access the information stored in database tables. Java services can be used to access most, if not all the data, in the WFM database tables.

New tables

These tables have been added as of this release:

This table stores shift comments.
This table links shift comments to shifts created in Master Rotations (MRs) and One-time Schedules (OTSs). Shift comments are linked to a cell on a row in the source MR or OTS.
This table links shift comments to the shift summary ID for shifts that were not created in an MR or OTS.
This table stores data element values that have been updated on shifts in the MR and OTS edit screens.
This table links data element values with a cell on a row in an MR or OTS.
This table links data element values with a cell on an LTA row in an MR or OTS.

Modified tables

These tables have been modified as of this release:

Columns SHIFTSUM_UDF6~10 and SHIFTSUM_FLAG6~10 have been added to store an additional five shift summary UDF and flag fields.
Columns SHIFTHIST_UDF6~10 and SHIFTHIST_FLAG6~10 have been added to store shift history for the new shift summary UDF and flag fields.
The column SHIFTLINK_ID has been added to store the IDs of active shift links in shift link history records.