WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 6 issues


Incident # 15288426


Ad hoc shift box (ESSHIFT_START_TIME) and (ESSHIFT_END_TIME) in ASV does not allow for filtering by time

When adding an ad hoc shift in the ASV, trying to filter based on the shift start time or shift end time does not work. Not matter how you enter the time parameter, "No Records Found" is displayed.


Fixed. Users can filter shifts based on start and end times in the Shift lookup.


Incident # 15303357


Payroll Close Wizard checks all previous pay groups for off cycle retros

When doing an off-cycle retro export in the Payroll Close Wizard, all of the previous pay groups of the selected employees are checked. If an employee was previously assigned to a pay group that is configured without an export type, the "... are not associated to a Payroll Export Mapping" error occurs and the export cannot continue. The error occurs even if there are no adjustment records for the previous pay groups within the date range selected in the wizard.


Fixed. For off-cycle retro adjustments, the validation is limited to only the pay groups in the WORK_DETAIL_ADJUST table that have adjustments within the selected date range.


Incident # 15373104


Code Summary on the Weekly timesheet does not display properly if an employee is rehired mid-period

If an employee is rehired midway through a week, the Code Summary in the Weekly Timesheet is displaying incorrectly for that week.




Incident # 15414917


Creating new row/bulk versions automatically re-activates the deleted rows in MROTS

When creating a bulk version for a Master Rotation, all rows are activated including deleted rows.


Fixed. If a row is deleted as of the effective start date of the new bulk version, a row version is not created for the deleted row.


Incident # 15437159


Sev-1 Investigation

A 502 error is occurring on database lookups and other requests. The CPU usage of App server 1 shot up to 100% in the afternoon, creating performance issues for all connected users.

This issue was caused by null values for modelStartDate.


Fixed by throwing an error if a null pointer error occurs, preventing the memory leak.


Incident # 15370030


MVS schedule publishing fails with a com.workbrain.util.async.AsyncTaskException error.


Fixed the method used to load skills to never return duplicate skills.
