Platform resolved issues

Total: 9 issues



Display error token ID on all errors from Angular applications (MR/OTS, STC)

Exception errors in the Master Rotation, One Time Schedule, and Central Staffing have been updated to display a token ID in the error message.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements - IsCustomHolidayCondition

Added public API in HolidayCtxPublService to check if a given date has at least one holiday assigned.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements - PFJConvertWorkDetailsOverlappingLTA

Added public APIs to get override start and end times.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements - SoGuaranteedShiftDurationRule

Added a public API in ShiftWithBreaksCtxPublService to set data for shift breaks.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements

Public APIs added to insert work details and set work date on work details.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements

Added public APIs to set workSummary error and error status.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements - SecPunchOverMidnightWrkdInsertRule

Added public APIs to get this data for employee schedule details:

  • Team ID
  • Department ID
  • Job ID

Added public APIs to set this data for work details:

  • Work ID
  • Work comments

Added public API to get unpaid hour types.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements - EracBalanceDeductionRule

Added public API to get data on if a time code affects balances.



Custom Scripting API and Whitelist Requirements - IsDateRetroCondition

Added public APIs to get HandsOffDate and AdjustDate.
