WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 12 issues


Incident # 15214172

ETM - Schedule not showing in 'Today's Schedule' Widget

In ETM, the Today's Schedule widget on the homepage is not displaying schedule shift details on some days. The schedule is shown for those days in the Work Schedule tab. The issue occurs when the SO_HIDE_UNPUBLISHED_FIXED_SHIFTS_ON_ETM_MOB registry parameter is set to true.




Incident # 15397985

ASV book off issue for partial leave on night shift when TOC book off already exists post midnight

When trying to process a partial leave book off (for example, 23:00 to 4:00) in the ASV for shifts spanning midnight, an error occurs if there is already an existing leave request booked through the Time Off Calendar for the next day (for example, 4:00-6:00):

Shift1, Row1: Book Off End Time greater than the Shift End Time.

Row 1: There are no details that map with the Book Off Segment.


Fixed. User can book off available segments of overnight shifts.


Incident # 15588407

"Comparison method violates its general contract!" error when loading team in ASV

The error "Comparison method violates its general contract!" occurs when opening a schedule in ASV for a full schedule period where employees have different day part sets.


Fixed by adding a condition to cover scenarios when two day parts have the Is First DP check box enabled.


Incident # 15607096

NPE occurring on Schedule Metrics Calculation Task

The Schedule Metrics Calculation Task is failing with a NullPointerException. The issue occurs when an LTA time code is not mapped to an LFSO activity.


Fixed by adding code to avoid the error.


Incident # 15594167

Auto assignment is not able to run

Auto-Assignment in MVS fails when one of the employees has overnight partial LTA that was not created in MVS on the last day of the schedule with this error: 'A strictly positive integer value is expected for the employee param'.


Fixed by getting the next day's shifts using EmpSchdDtlLayerService and then filtering out shifts with work dates that are not on the next day of the assignment period.


Incident # 15643402, 15714199

SAW Data range reverts to previous selection after saving

When loading SAW for a date range and then moving forward to the next date range to edit a timesheet, upon saving the date range reverts to the original selection.


Fixed. The date range is not reverted to the previous selection after saving.


Incident # 15537642

FileNotFoundException occurs on ERP Work Detail Export

Work Detail Export task in Job Scheduler fails with FileNotFoundException.


Fixed. Added code to resolve the file path correctly. Used StoreageContext to get the path.


Incident # 15656294

Unknown Maintenance Form

This error occurs when users attempt to post shifts to the Shift Billboard: "User does not have edit permission for this service. Check permissions for maintenance form ids= -3 UNKNOWN".


Fixed by using the SharedJaxrs interface for the billboard service, which allows multiple maintenance forms.


Incident # 15646325

No data available message in Master Rotation Job lookup

No data available message appears in the Master Rotation Job lookup. A window opens with the message "No Data Available".


Fixed by adding a container for the dblookup UI.


Incident # 15709814

Skills should be deleted correctly while deleting through ASV Mass Edit

Skills are not deleted from shifts when using ASV Mass Edit mode.


Fixed by updating the compare method used to compare old and new skills on shifts.


Incident # 15736745

DayClocks Applied tab not displayed

In the Timesheet in config mode, DayClocks Applied tab is not displayed even after adding the DayClocks Applied Parameters to TS_DETAIL_TABS.




Incident # 15787674

Labels not working in Launch Pad Wizard

Label fields in the Launch Pad Wizard are not updating to the specified value when users set these values through Quick Links.


Fixed by updating the code to use the label name.