WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 6 issues


Incident # 15455320

Issues with Day Part Counts in Total Coverage in MVS

When day parts are added to a day part set on different days, the sorting is incorrect, causing day part counts in the coverage panel to be inaccurate.


Fixed. Day parts are counted regardless of the order in the database.


Incident # 15751177

Self Scheduling Compliance Violations Report is Inaccurate

The Self Scheduling Compliance Violations Report is displays rule violations for groups that are not included in the process. This occurs when an employee is assigned to multiple self-scheduling groups.


Fixed by adding an API to determine the process's violations related to the group, instead of all groups.


Incident # 15552025

Schedule Import Issue with Duplicate Rows

An 'SKIPPED: Save transaction failed with exception message: null' error occurs during a Schedule Detail Import when there are duplicate rows in the import data.


Fixed by modifying the code for grouping the rows in the record.


Incident # 16098111

System error is displayed when trying to run few Cognos reports with German locale user

A system error occurs when running certain Cognos reports as a user in the German locale.


Fixed by adding a Flyway update migration to correct an issue that was caused by invalid characters.


Incident # 16172252

Pay Rule based schedule cost calculations returns default JOB_ID

When utilizing a custom call out for the LFSO_COST_CALLOUT_FIELD1, the cost is calculated based on the job_id. This field however does not reflect the correct cost. Issue is due to JOB_ID not being set in Work Details from employee schedule detail.


Fixed. Updated the JOB_ID in work details from employee schedule detail.


Incident # 1

Backport WFM-25962 to 7.1.0.x

When a shift is posted to billboard and requires approval from manager, the business object for the posting has its status set to 0. When the posting is withdrawn, the status is not updated.

