WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 4 issues


Incident # 15816241

Employee Unable to See Billboard Shifts

Shifts are not displayed in the Shift Billboard that have been posted by re-hired employees, who are currently active but have a termination date in the past.




Incident # 16489747

LFSO Schedule - Fixed Shift details are removed upon editing

On the LFSO Schedule Screen, updating and saving details of a fixed shit removes the other details on the shift.


Fixed by removing the extra validation, allowing the Any job (Job ID = -1) to be added to the shift detail.


Incident # 16555567

Unable to delete shifts from LFSO schedules

These issues have been reported in the LFSO Schedule screen:

  • The shift is being deleted after adding lunch breaks using the Reassign Break/Meal Automatically after Shift Edit option.
  • Unable to delete shifts in the LFSO Schedule screen in an unpublished simple schedule (USE_LFSO_SCHEDULE_GENERATION is set to false).


Fixed both issues.


Incident # 16614967

Maintenance form 800 restricts access to Form 'Forecasting' (798)

Users with permission to access the Forecasting screen (ID 798) are being blocked if they do not also have permission to access the Forecast Folder maintenance form (ID 800).


Fixed by replacing the Forecast Folder maintenance form with the Forecasting maintenance form in forecast.jsp.