Clocks resolved issues

Total: 3 issues



Schedule Validation Enhancements

An enhanced version of schedule validation is now available for specific business use cases. This section goes through the settings to enable this enhanced version of schedule validation on your clock.

The current version of schedule validation enforces the schedule such that employees cannot clock in prior to their scheduled start time. Employees may be able to clock in earlier if a start grace is defined, but if they are outside the grace period, they will not be able to clock in. This new enhanced version of schedule validation feature gives you the flexibility to allow the employee to clock in in some cases. With the default version of schedule validation, this can only be achieved via supervisor mode, where a supervisor clocks in the employee.

This new enhanced version of schedule validation also does not enforce schedule validation for non-scheduled meal breaks. In other words, employees clock out and clock in for meal breaks, so applying schedule validation does not make sense. A configuration is provided to indicate the timecodes that schedule validation should ignore.

This new feature implements the following enhancements to schedule validation:

  • You can configure schedule validation using legacy or the new enhanced version of schedule validation.
  • You can configure via settings.conf to accept or reject when the schedule does not exist.
  • If the employee is swiping late or early to work, you can indicate if the corresponding schedule exists within a specified time range of the swipe.
  • You can configure the allowed grace period if the reader does not have it.
  • You can always accept the swipe for configurable time codes.
  • You can check the clock out time with schedule end time plus or minus the end grace period.
  • You can check the rest of the swipe types with schedule start time plus or minus the start grace period.

These are the settings that you must implement for the enhanced schedule validation feature:

  1. This setting defaults to the legacy behavior. Set this to true for the default implementation of schedule validation:
    com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ScheduleValidation.legacy = true

The following settings are applicable only when com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ScheduleValidation.legacy (above setting) is set to false:

  1. This setting provides a list of time codes which are always accepted even if there is no schedule:
  2. This setting determines the maximum duration between swipe time and schedule time to consider early or late:
  3. This setting decides if a swipe is accepted with a warning when no schedule exists at the time of swipe:

For more information, see the system administration guide for your clock.



Unable to End the shift using directionless swipe with enhanced schedule validation

Directionless swipe is rejected when it is performed in the same minute of the schedule end time or with end grace period.





Meal start time code change is rejected by schedule validation

Meal Start swipes are rejected with a warning message indicating they are late with respect to schedule start time.


