WFM maintenance resolved issues

Total: 4 issues


Incident # 15355971


Context Variables Not Accessible as Source Parameters from MobDBLookUpUi field configuration when attempting Master/Slave Configuration in Mobility

When setting up DBLookup filters in the mobility timesheet, context variables are not accessible as source parameters in MobDBLookupUI, which is used for UDF and FLAG fields. Context variables are accessible as source parameters in MobLookupUI.




Incident # 15395340


Unable to schedule more than 2100 employees

When trying to schedule more than 2100 active employees at once in LFSO, an error occurs:

The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.


Fixed by refactoring the query for loading the employee history data.


Incident # 15490475


NullPointerException when loading Timesheet for wide date range

When trying to load timesheets with a date range of more than 100 days and no other criteria, a NullPointerException occurs. The issue occurs on a Wildfly instance.


Fixed. A validation message is displayed asking the user to select additional criteria to limit the number of employees.


Incident #


Auto scheduler does not assign shifts when Honor Availability with DayStartTime is on

When using the Honor Availability rule with Day Start Time enabled, an employee is not assigned shifts, even though the employee is available during the entire shift time.


Fixed by changing the logic to compare availability times to actual shift times instead of modified shift times for DST.
