Creating a new schedule from an existing schedule or a schedule profile

Copying a schedule will not only generate workloads from forecast, but also adjust workloads based on budget amounts if Budget Adjusted Workloads (BAW) feature is turned on (via the SO_BUDGET_ADJUSTED_WORKLOAD registry parameter) and the 'Use schedule to budget' constraint is turned on in the scheduling rules. New interval requirements are based on BAW.

Note: The initial schedule cannot be a schedule that is created entirely manually. It must have a staff group associated with it, so it must be created with the option to create shifts from shift rules.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide.

As part of the feature, the HONOR_AVAILABILITY_RULE_FOR_SCHEDULE_COPY registry parameter is used to honor the setting of Honor Employee Availability constraint when determining if the new schedule should assign shifts to an employee. See the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide for more information on this parameter.