Workforce Performance

Infor HCM Workforce Management includes 22 new reports. Clients that purchased Workforce Performance (formerly called Workbrain Intelligence) Premium Suite may use these reports at no additional charge. Also, many of these reports were developed from custom reports used over-and-over at different clients. As such, clients that are using one or more of these custom reports are encouraged to use and begin using the core reports to reduce support costs. Because these are core reports, they are covered under standard maintenance and help reduce/control support costs.

Cross Industry Reports

Graphical Employee Productivity Report
The Graphical Employee Productivity report shows employee productivity metrics graphically. Each row constitutes an employee on the selected teams (or sub team of the selected team) and includes a time code pie chart for each employee. The report aggregates work data over a user specified date interval and allows the user to choose employees and teams for which the report should be run
Graphical Team Productivity Report
The Graphical Team Productivity report shows team productivity metrics graphically. The report aggregates work data over a user specified date interval and allows the user to choose teams for which the report should be run. Clicking on a team drills through to a separate report that displays data for sub teams.
Workforce Lost Time Report
This drill-through report provides a breakdown of time lost per team due to absences. Two graphs are displayed: one shows the trend for the previous twelve months and the other shows the breakdown of absent time codes by team. Clicking on a team name displays the lost time graphs and time code breakdown for sub teams.
Overtime Trend Report
The Overtime Trend Report allows a manager to see the amount of overtime worked by his or her teams in a configurable date interval versus the same interval previous. For example, a manager will use this report to compare overtime worked this week-to-date compared to the same days in the previous week. The date intervals compared always have the same number of days, ensuring a meaningful comparison. A manual date option is also available. If the total overtime exceeds the overtime accrued for a team in the previous period, the font is changed to highlight this condition. To further illustrate trends, the data is graphically rendered in a bar chart and a line graph. There is a max of 10 teams displayed in the bar chart filtered based on highest variance %. There is also a max of 10 teams displayed in the line graph filtered based on the Total OT % for the one year period. Data is summarized such that an executive viewing the report will see the total of all sub teams. If further detail is required a drill through to the sub teams is provided.
Schedule Audit Report
The Schedule Audit Report shows schedule detail overrides that have been applied to employee schedules. The report shows the employee to which the schedule overrides were applied, the date of the affected schedule, the date of the change, the user who made the change, the status of the change and details of the change. The user can select how the records are grouped: by employee, schedule date (i.e. the affected date), change date (i.e. the date the schedule override was created), the status of the override and the user who made the override.
Premium Net Absenteeism Report
The Net Absenteeism Report shows employee absences, including the scheduled hours for the day, hours missed, whether or not they were controllable and what percentage of scheduled hours were missed. The employees are grouped by team, making absenteeism per team easy to see. The premium version of this report includes two bar graphs (the first for controllable absences, the second for uncontrollable absences) indicating the total absent hours, as a percentage, for each time code and team.
Premium Time Code by Team Report
The Time Code by Team report lists the time spent by each employee towards each time code in a user specified time interval. The records are grouped first by either team or time code and second by the other. This report also includes a pie graph that groups and displays data depending on the user's selection. For example, if the user selects “Team” as the first grouping and “Time Code” for the second grouping, the pie graph will display a pie graph for the team indicating the hours for each time code. This report also provides dollar amounts (cost) in addition to hours.
Premium Employee Overtime Report
The Premium Employee Overtime Report displays the number of hours an employee worked for each overtime hour type (i.e., OT1, OT2, OT3, etc.) and its associated cost on each date within the selected interval.

Two bar graphs are displayed. The first graph lists the five teams with the highest OT cost. The second graph lists the five teams with the highest OT hours. A table is located beneath the graphs for all teams and is organized according to the values selected in the Group By and Second Group By fields.

Timesheet Audit Report
The Timesheet Audit Report allows managers to view overrides performed on a timesheet. Managers can select the override types to view by employee or team for a selected date range. The report will display the current entry, and all the inline override details that have been applied.
Premium User Session Report
The User Session Report displays records of all users who have logged on to Workbrain. Information displayed includes employee name, user name, date and time of the employee's last Workbrain session, and the IP address used for the session. A line graph showing the total number of users logged on each day is displayed at the top of the report.
Premium Detailed Time Code by Employee
The premium version of the Detailed Time Code by Employee report lists the time spent by each employee towards each time code in a user specified time interval by date. Records are grouped into sections corresponding to each employee in the system with work detail records. Within the employee grouping level, the records are grouped by date. This way, the user can see the time codes worked by each employee on each day.

Healthcare Reports

Cost Summary
The Cost Summary report is a report that displays three separate sets of summary information. All three summary queries are cross tab reports. The first displays the Total Cost, Total Hours and Total Cost % by timecode or by hour type. The second displays the Total Cost, Total Hours and Total Cost % by Timecode/Hour Type and by Job. The third crosstab displays cost and hours by Team, by Day Part, by Job and by Timecode/Hour Type. The total cost based on the dates selected is also displayed at the very top of the report.
Hours per Patient Day Report
The Hours per Patient Day Report (HPPD) displays the actual vs. target patient days, direct hours, direct hours per patient day along with the hours for non-productive, Agency and Flexi work by team.
Detailed Productivity Cost Report
The “Detailed Productivity Cost Report” displays target and actual costs by team, Direct/Indirect and by Target Group. It allows the user to identify whether a team has exceeded the target cost or the target cost per unit of service. This report also displays a breakdown of Cost and % by hour type.
Detailed Productivity Hours Report
The “Detailed Productivity Hours Report” displays target and actual Hours by team, Direct/Indirect and by Target Group. It allows the user to identify whether a team has exceeded the target cost or the target cost per unit of service. This report also displays a breakdown of hours and % by hour type.
Team Productivity Hours Report
The “Team Productivity Hours Report” is a premium report that displays target and actual hours by team. It allows the user to identify whether a team has exceeded the target hours or the target hours per unit of service. It also displays hours and percent by hour type along with hours for Agency and Flexi work.
Team Productivity Cost Report
The “Team Productivity Cost Report” is a premium report that displays target and actual costs by team. It allows the user to identify whether a team has exceeded the target cost or the target cost per unit of service. It also displays cost and percent by hour type along with cost for Agency and Flexi work.
Worked Hours Per Patient Day Trend Graph Drill Through
The “WHPPD Trend Graph Drill Through” is a premium report that displays target versus actual patient days. The data is displayed in two formats. The first is a graph that shows the trend by day of target hours per patient day vs actual hours per patient day. The second is a summary table that provides the target and actual hours per patient day by team for the period selected. Within this table, the user has the ability to drill through to sub teams if desired.

Retail Reports

Forecast vs. Actual Labor Performance Report
The Labor Performance report is a drill- through report that shows sales versus forecast sales and labor versus forecast labor for a given location. Each row represents a location with key performance indicators (KPIs) aggregated from sub-locations for the selected date interval. Clicking a location in the parent report will drill-through to the corresponding graphs indicating the forecasted and actual sales, labor dollars and hours.
Business Performance Report
The Business Performance report is a drill-through report that shows sales results versus payroll costs for a number of locations for the current time period as well as the previous time period as selected by the user. Each row displays the business key performance indicators for a location. Clicking on a location will open another report displaying the KPI table as well as the graphs comparing KPIs for the current and previous time period.
Forecast vs. Schedule vs. Actual Hours by Day
This report is similar to the Scheduled vs. Actual Hours by Day report except the report also includes forecasted hours as determined by labor forecast staffing requirements.
Weekly Time Card Report
This report displays the scheduled and actual work start and end times for employees at a specified store. If there is no scheduled start and end time for an employee on a particular day, the report will not display data for that type (and vice versa). The time period for this report is determined by a user-selected date range, and the employee's department, job, and breaks are also displayed. There is also a time code and hour type cross-tab summary that indicates the hours worked by the employee for each code.