Schedule conflicts

Schedule conflicts are detected when one or more shifts in the Master Rotation (MR) or One-time Schedule (OTS) overlap with existing shifts or leaves belonging to the assigned employee. When processing an MR or OTS, the assigned shifts are compared with any existing shifts, booked off shifts, or approved time off requests the assigned employees have in their schedules. If conflicts are found, the Manage Publish Conflicts pop-up lists the schedule conflicts. You can use the pop-up to determine how to resolve the conflicts. All schedule conflicts must be resolved before the MR or OTS can be processed.

Existing shifts or leaves for employees can be created in any part of the application. This includes the Timesheet, Time Off Planner, ASV, or even another MR or OTS. The MR and OTS edit screens indicate a shift or leave was created in another part of the application by displaying the shift label in light gray and italic. An ellipses (…) is displayed on the shift cell if an employee has multiple existing shifts or leaves on the same date. Existing shifts or leaves created in MVS are shaded with their corresponding activity color.

It is important to note that shifts can be plotted in an MR or OTS on the same day as existing shifts or leaves. For example, an employee with an approved leave from 9 AM to 10 AM for a personal appointment can be scheduled to a shift starting at 11 AM the same day. A conflict would only prevent the schedule from being processed if the MR or OTS shift overlapped the approved leave time.