Process status

After a process is saved, each group’s status changes to Pending. The next step of the workflow is to open the process, which can be done by clicking Open at the process definition level. The status then changes to manual_open on the process page where all processes are listed.

After the manual_open status has occurred, the Job Scheduler task must run. The task creates the unassigned shifts so that there are shifts to self-schedule in ETM. The Job Scheduler task is called RTSS Schedule Creation Task.

After the task successfully runs, the status changes to Open.

Note: Although a process definition or window(s) may be in the Open status, the window start and window end dates are still observed. Today’s date must fall within the window dates and be in the Open status for self-scheduling to occur.

You can also use Pause and Close statuses. If an Open status gets changed to Pause, an employee will not be able to self-schedule until the status is Re-Opened. If a status gets changed to Closed, the status cannot be Re-Opened and self-scheduling cannot continue for that process.