File handling in different deployment modes

When deploying the application in a Docker container, every file generated by the application running in the container is mapped under a folder structure located under a single root folder named /wfm. Configuration allows mapping /wfm to a single folder on the host. All file operations on the host must be done against this mapped folder and its subfolders.

If you need to work with WFM files in a cloud provider such as AWS or GovCloud, you will need to configure SFTP to work with S3.

The following table outlines how WFM deals with different files in the different deployment modes:

Type of file Docker container path AWS or GovCloud location Legacy/On-premise path WFM registry if applicable
Schedule Optimization /LFSO_temporary N/A Any file path N/A
Job Scheduler imports /wfm_job_scheduler SFTP configured with S3 Any file path N/A
Job Scheduler exports /wfm_job_scheduler SFTP configured with S3 Any file path N/A
Clocks download. The directory where file updates for EDC and WB5500 Series clocks are located. /wfm/clocks_download SFTP configured with S3 Any file path System > Clocks > DOWNLOAD_DIR
Auto-Assignment temporary files /LFSO_temporary N/A Any file path System > Modules > Scheduling > AutoScheduler > AS_TEMP_FILE_LOC
LFSO temporary files that require periodic cleanup. /LFSO_temporary N/A Any file path N/A
General Workforce Management temporary files that require periodic cleanup. /temporary N/A Any file path N/A