Budget Has Not Been Released

The number in the Working Payroll column is the same as the number in the Adjusted Payroll column:

  • after the root budget manager recalculates, saves, or releases the budget
  • before the budget has been released for the first time

Suppose that the original budget has the following numbers:

Budget Payroll Working Payroll Adjusted Payroll
District 1 1400 1400 1400
Store 1.1 700 700 700
Store 1.2 700 700 700

The root budget manager modifies the numbers in the Adjusted Payroll column for Store 1.1 and Store 1.2 to 550 and 500 respectively, and then clicks Recalculate, Save, or Release.

Budget Payroll Working Payroll Adjusted Payroll
District 1 1400 1050 1050
Store 1.1 700 550 550
Store 1.2 700 500 500

Since the budget has not yet been released, the numbers in the Working Payroll column are the same as those in the Adjusted Payroll column.