Calculated Columns in Layouts

Labor Budgeting uses calculated fields to temporarily store values it calculates across multiple plans or different versions of the same plan. These fields, such as Variance, Leverage, and 60% Rule, which are calculated across multiple forecasts, are displayed on the Worksheet but are not stored in the database. Any values calculated within a single plan, such as SPH, and Productive Hours, are stored.

For example, a calculated field in the budget layout is % Change From Budget (SALES_PERCENT_CHANGE), which represents the percent change for the sales from the original to the adjusted sales numbers.

  • Column Type is set to Calculated
  • Column Name is set to SALES_PERCENT_CHANGE

To display calculated fields on the Worksheet, on the Layout Columns page, set the Column Type field to Calculated, and specify one of the following in the Column Name field:

Column Name Description of Column Name Corresponding Rule
SALES_PERCENT_CHANGE Indicates percent change in sales from budget in the forecast layout. rules.SalesPercentChangeRule
PAYROLL_PERCENT_LEVERAGE Indicates leverage in the forecast layout. rules.PayrollPercentLeverageRule
ADJUSTED_PAYROLL Indicates the adjusted payroll after the 60% Rule has been applied in the forecast layout. rules.PayrollAdjustmentRule
ADJUSTED_PAYROLL_PCT Used in the forecast layout to show the adjusted payroll percent after the 60% Rule has been applied. rules.PayrollAdjustmentRule
PAYROLL_VARIANCE Indicates the difference from the original budget in the budget layout. rules.PayrollVarianceRule
SALES_VARIANCE_TRD Represents Variance from Budget (%) trend values in the default forecast layouts. rules.SalesTrendVarianceRule
PYRLL_PCT_TRD Represents Actual & Forecasted Payroll (%) trend values in the default forecast layouts. rules.PayrollPercentTrendRule
PYRLL_PCT_LEVERAGE_TRD Represents Leverage to Budget (%) trend values in the default forecast layouts. rules.PayrollPercentTrendLeverageRule

When using the default calculation rules, use only the above Column Type/Column Name combinations.